Stars and Garters
Today involved an educational fieldtrip to SCRAP (Scrounger's Center for Reusable Art Parts). They're a gem hidden off of Oakdale and Toland. If you have a project that needs some strange something you may not be able to find in the stores, this is your place. If you need foamcore, or beads, or craft paper, or miscellaneous fabric in volume, this is your place. And if you work with clients that have perfectly good art supplies and knowledge of their potential, but can't let them go unless they go to A Good Home, this is definitely your place.SCRAP accepts just about every conceivable type of thing that could be used for crafting. They also have a pickup service for donations of 6 boxes or more! Their primary audience was initially teachers, but as arts education has suffered in schools, they have teamed up with programs that operate outside of the school system to provide materials and inspiration. They are open to the public as well, and have an adorable cat that roams the premises. I already use SCRAP both for taking donations, and for finding materials for my own projects, but the trip today has me in the mood to spread the word. If you are good with self restraint, I suggest taking a trip down and simply walking the aisles to see what all they have. They are a good resource that not enough people know about. The evening was taken up by the SF Bay chapter meeting of NAPO, where I learned about financial matters and spoke with lots of other organizers and ate bread pudding. Go me.
Today's outfit: black jersey skirt, blue henley, patterned stockings from Stockingirl (yes, with garters), Fluevog boots, and my trusty scarf and jacket for the outdoors jaunts.