The Little Things
Today was correspondence day. Lots of emails and catching up with people I've been putting off getting in touch with. Still haven't gotten through to everybody, but progress was made. More appointments made, more calendar spaces filled in. Been reading friends' postings from SXSW and wondering if it's something I should attempt next year. Just to see, learn, experience. But then again, maybe there's something else out there more relevant to what I'm doing. Perhaps that's another part of what this writing thing is about...a chance to stretch and see what I learn.It seems I haven't been the only one becoming aware of the need for self care and the difficulty of coping. This article was in my saved file, but seems exceptionally relevant now. While it could be considered useful, it could also be considered a heavy or emotional read. With that in mind, here's a chaser.
What I wore today: jeans, hot pink t-shirt, converse, warm fuzzy grey angora sweater I got at a sample sale, my Forktopus necklace I got from a street vendor in front of the Ferry Building (man, i love this city).