My Monday

It's odd to work on a Sunday. The world feels much more relaxed and mellow, and you're able to go in with a very light heart (despite needing an extra cup of coffee). Sunday night comes, and the world starts to speed up and hunker down in anticipation of Monday morning, and I'm coasting on my post-work wind down, because this is my Monday evening. I still go through my Sunday evening rituals (listening to Joe Frank and a long bath), but with none of the dull brain buzzing that comes with trying to shift to a higher gear for the next day. Maybe there's something to going back into your work/routine/duties in a lighter state and not taking things quite so serious. Being gentle with yourself, those around you, and the world at large, but still getting things done.Of course this means tomorrow, I will think it's Tuesday. By the time we reach Wednesday, I'll be stumped as to why the next day isn't Friday. Today's outfit: jeans, ballet neck t-shirt, Danskos (oh, how my feet love you), a different hematite necklace (this one has tiny orange beads added).


Room to Shrink

