No, not like the Indie Mart, but kinda related.Faked you out, didn't I? Thought I was going to be all like "Don't shop at all!" Okay, it's tempting to say that and be done with it out of sheer laziness, but really, it's way more nuanced. You don't live in a vacuum; you have to make purchases, both necessary and discretionary. Part of shopping is knowing what you need and how it fits into your life, but the often overlooked part is where you choose to make your purchases.Small Business Saturday is the Saturday after Buy Nothing Day, and is intended to support small, local, independent, and otherwise non mainstream business establishments. (Granted, it sets my teeth on edge to see that it's sponsored by American Express, but I think the sentiment is the important part of this right now.) Know someone that has a funky boutique? Crafts unique jewelry? Makes cute bags? Go check out what they have to offer. Get gifts a bit outside of the mainstream. Get to know your neighbors. Support your local merchants, and by extension, your locale. Think it's bogus? Take a look at the nifty infographic below (if it formatted right...lord help me, i just used "infographic" in a sentence.) for more details.Where you spend your money can have as much impact as when you don't. (Click to enlarge)Why Buy Local InfographicSource:


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