Now with video!

I finally started posting videos on my YouTube channel!Was stumped on what to post until I had to come back from a trip with the trailer in a hurry. The sorting and cleanup had to happen with my gear, but it was suggested I shoot some video of what happens.There are four videos up right now, the intro for the channel and the 3 about getting the trailer in order.And as I mentioned in the description of the 4th video, I felt weird about posting all these shorts until I stopped and thought about my time working on Hoarders (the show). That was 3 days of grind from sunup to sundown, with multiple cameras filming all over the place. Add a heap of editing, and you have a 20 minute transformation. Organizing, or any big project really isn't like that. I've said in the past that good organizing makes for terrible TV. It's small. It's slow. It's about cultivating harmony. And that is perfectly fine. Sharing these shorts over time I hope gets across the message that this process isn't instantaneous. I could have done a 5 minute video that showed it taking a really short amount of time, when in reality, it was a series of actions spread out over the course of a week. Those little actions add up. They really do.[embedyt][/embedyt]As an added treat, I included a cooking video I participated in a few years back. It's about how to make berry scones in a dutch oven while camping! Enjoy![embedyt][/embedyt]


Mental Health First Aid


This time last week